Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Today was the second day of our big Hawaiian adventure, and it was awesome!
After eating pancakes for breakfast, we headed to the ONLY palace in the US. We saw three statues of important people who had a major role in the Hawaiian history.

Then we drove through the beautiful landscape of Hawaii and made it to the Dole plantation. There we ate some of the best ice cream, which was made of sugar and pineapples.

The next stop was the North Shore, a really famous surfing area. We enjoyed the calm and colorful atmosphere. After lunch we visited some shops and some of us went to see some surfboard art. On the way to our next destination, we got to see a lot of beaches, surfers, and not to mention, the beach houses. We are sure all of us started dreaming about living here.. Still on the way to our next destination we made a quick stop at Sunset Beach, where some of us might or might not have gotten soaked by the HUGE waves. 

After some pictures, we were ready to hit our final destination,  the Polynesian Cultural Center. We enjoyed the drum show at Tonga Island where we laughed until we cried. Next on our agenda was a lesson in Hawaiian hula dance. We got some free time. Some of us got airbrush tattoos, took a canoe trip and some learned how to play the ukulele. Then we went to another show. We got to see how you make fire in a funny way, plus other Samoan traditions.

 4D movie was the next on our agenda. We got to see some amazing nature from the 6 amazing islands. After that everyone was really hungry and we enjoyed the really good buffet. Then it was time for more free time and exploring before we went to the "HA" show. "HA" means the breath of life. The show had a lot of dancing and overall it was really entertaining. Some of the people in the show even sat and danced on fire! We are sure we were not the only ones who enjoyed watching the "smoking hot" guys in the show.
Despite the cloudy weather we had an awesome second day in paradise. We were all exhausted when we finally made it back to the bus, therefore, 95% of the group was sound asleep after 5 minutes of driving.

Malaho Belo USA for this amazing trip!

Guro Sofie (Norway)
Kamilla (Norway)

1 comment:

  1. Great to see that you all have a wonderful time!
    I check the weather forecast for Honolulu every morning and I search the sun for you every day.
    Take care and enjoy beeing an exchange student!
